These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. From happiest of highs to lowest of lows. From saying or hearing “I regret this trip” to “This is the best thing ever”.
I don’t know what I thought before making the decision with Happy Gal to travel the world with our kids. We made the decision a long time ago (bought the tickets in March 2024 but have been wanting to do this forever).
This is Day 1 on the trip, sitting here on the 15 hour flight to Hong Kong on our way to Phuket, and just soaking it all in. What happened, how did I get here.
First, let me start by saying that I feel lucky, blessed to even think about this trip and to do it with the people I love the most. However, a friend said: “Don’t post just the happy Instagram stuff, share the real stuff”. So here is the real stuff.
It’s hard. I know from experience that it’s worth it, but it’s still difficult. You have to have the capacity to take stress levels you’re not used to, to increase your patience more than normal, and to build an empathy muscle the size of superman’s bicep. Especially if you’re doing this with a family and not alone.

Luckily Happy Gal and I have a strong foundation, but even that felt weak at times, when stress levels were high and things falling apart. Taking the time to go for walks in the morning helped as we prepared for this trip.
From renting out the house, figuring out world school, packing up the house up, and packing for the trip. In addition all the little things like knowing what medicine to take, insurance?
And I haven’t even spoken about planning for the trip, what lodging, transportation, etc. Do we need to make reservations for activities we really want to do?
Oh yes, and do this while the girls (and us!) want to see the people we love before we leave, spend time with them, celebrate xmas with them.

Ah, and of course, work. Happy Gal worked until the last day before departure, and I was managing a few real estate projects and day trading app (not counting preparing and scanning tax documents, travel documents, and school books).
Yes, It’s a lot. You have to deal with your own stress levels and emotions, but also that of your kids. Poor A had anxiety and didn’t know it. She was throwing up for 2 days right before going to bed and waking up trembling and dry heaving, when her subconscious was relaxed and her body saying she wasn’t ok. Poor L was having mixed emotions of nervousness, sad she’s leaving her friends behind, but also for the excitement for this trip.
Or me, having a bloody eye (subconjuntival hemorrhage) while driving to Christmas celebration or dreaming that half my teeth fell out. I don’t think I am stressed, but my body and my short temper were telling me otherwise.

This is why I say, if you plan to do a long term trip, start with ensuring you’re mentally healthy. I don’t even know if I am, but I know I had enough mental strength because I’m sitting here on the plane extremely happy and ecstatic for what’s about to come. Not only you, but those traveling with you as well. We’re lucky we’re able to so far.
Through all this, I made it a point to breathe more, meditate, spend 10 minutes to feel gratitude, love from each other and love for ourselves.

My biggest learning is, acknowledge this is difficult, but realize you’re strong enough to make it happen.
I hope that during the trip, when emotions get the best of us, we take a deep breath, be kind to each other and to ourselves, and be strong enough to handle what is to come.
Here is a happy 2025 and an amazing round the world trip!!
This is really well said “mostly Happy Guy”. We had very similar experiences and it’s hard to share that with people because it’s hard to understand until you do it, and most people dream of this type of experience and frankly don’t want to hear you say anything negative about it. It was all worth it in the end…ride that emotional roller coaster with grace and don’t forget to enjoy the views ❤️
Thanks Masha! LOL on “Mostly Happy Guy”. But it is an emotional rollercoaster. Just got to ride it with our hands up!