The Reasons for the blog and more…

by happyguy

So I started this blog for three reasons:

1. To keep a journal of my trip so later in life I can look back at this wonderful experience. I hope there is an easy way to download one’s entries onto the desktop. I should have checked into it before….

2. To keep in touch with my friends and family. Last time I traveled it was a pain trying to keep in touch with everyone and people would get spammed, some people didn’t even want to know about my trip. So, whoever is interested can come and read this. If you visit, let me know you care, leave a comment!

3. For anyone that is interested in doing a RTW, or is just interested on my travels. I hope I keep this interesting. So I don’t know you but you like what you find here, leave a comment!

That said some entries in here will be for cause number 1, 2 or 3.
For example, this one is for me. Just to know why I do things and to remember the events that are going on before my trip…..

I got three different quotes today for airfare. The original plan was to go to S. America, Easter Europe, and Southeast Asia. Now, I can’t decide where to go…

FIRST: US$3853, but if we pay cash… US$3718 (airtreks)

Los Angeles, CA – Lima [Lacsa]
Lima – Cusco – Lima [TACA International]
Lima – Buenos Aires – Rio de Janeiro [Aerolineas Argentinas]
Rio de Janeiro – Lisbon [TAP Air Portugal]
Overland On Your Own
Athens – Bangkok [Emirates Airlines]
Bangkok – Los Angeles, CA [China Airlines]

Second…: $2737 (STA)

LA-Dallas-Lima AA
Lima – Buenos Aires TACA Peru
Buenos Aires-Sao Paulo TAM Linhas
Sao Paulo – Paris TAM Linhas
Frankfurt – Singapore Qantas
Singapore – Sidney Qantas
Sidney – Fiji Air Pacific
Fiji – LA Air Pacific

THIRD: US$2829 but if we pay cash: US$2730
Los Angeles, CA – Miami, FL [American Airlines]
Miami, FL – Bogota – Lima [Avianca]
Lima – Cusco – Lima [TACA International]
Lima – Buenos Aires – Rio de Janeiro [Aerolineas Argentinas]
Rio de Janeiro – Lisbon [TAP Air Portugal]
Overland On Your Own
London – Los Angeles, CA [Virgin Atlantic]

The first two itineraries are for RTW travel and go with the original plan. The third was a thought happy gal and I had. Maybe we want to spend more time in South America and Europe? Quality vs. quantity?
At the same time, if we travel more cities, less opportunity to get bored? I wish I had more time….say one full year! I would without doubt choose itinerary number 2.
Now I have four months, and a limited budget. Well … I can’t complain, I’ll travel either way, now the question is…….where to?
I guess I’ll have to change my title if I decided to go to 2 continents instead of 3?
I love how travel agencies say… these quotes are valid right now, we’ll hold it for a week, but cannot promise we will keep the price. I can’t buy my ticket until the end of next week, hopefully prices don’t change!

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